donderdag 2 januari 2014

Onion Baje/ Pakora

First of all, I'd like to wish you all a happy New Year!
In 2014, I'll make sure to give you a new recipe every week so you can make it a year full of delicous food! Starting off  with: Pakora:)

This is a favourite during the lunches and dinners with all of us. I could say Onion at its best!. Very simple to make and done in no time.

This is specially for Marijn ( my little jochie :-) now 18 I babysat :-) )
He is so fond of this that we made it almost every week.The only time he would not have this is when he had to go out with his bunch of GFs and BFs......& I could understand that.... nobody wants to smell after fried onions right? & mind you the entire house smells and I could not wait to keep all windows and doors wide open ...& often Hannie my neighbour would ask me "what are you cooking Hmmm"

But it's definitely worth it once in a while as it is a delicious and simple dish, so please try it and let me know what you think!

1 large onion
2 green chillies sliced into fine rings
Pinch of whole cumin seed
Few pinches of Hing / asefetida
4 tab. spoons of Gram flour
1/4 tsp. of Turmeric powder /kurkuma
A handful of chopped coriander leaves
1 Tab. sp. of ground rice powder

Remove skin and halve the onion & slice the halves into fine semi circular rings

Add the salt & green chillies and give it a good squeeze and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Now add rest of the ingredients andmix well.

Take a tab. sp. of the baje dough flatten it a bit & drop them into hot oil and fry until golden grown on either side.

Remove & put  them on a kitchen paper and allow all oil to drain.

Serve with coconut chutney or tomato chutney!


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