donderdag 29 mei 2014

Stirfried Farmers Cabbage Kale/Borecole (Boerenkool in Dutch)

This is a tasty vegetable found during the winter time.It is dark green in colour and is often available at the stores washed chopped and packed like shown in the photo. I love this vegetable as it reminds me of the Muringa leaf. Believe me if you follow this recipe you will agree with me that it does taste like the muringa leaves thoran.

1 packet of the Cabbage (packed vegetables are washed so u dont have to
wash it again)
2 tab.sp Desicated coconut or freshly grated coconut
1 tab.sp.Raw rice / or white rice
One or two dried red chillies
1 or 2 tab.sp of coconut oil
Salt to taste.

Heat 1 or 2 tab.sp of oil and allow the rice to roast on a medium flame
until they turn light brown.

Now add the garlic slices and the red chillies and fry until the garlic is light brwn 
and the red chillies have turnend dark.

Add the salt mix well & now add the chopped borecole & give it a good

Close pan with its lid and let it cook for 5 minutes on a medium

Give it a good stir a few times & let it cook for another 8 to 10
There is no need to add water when you cook this vegetable.Once done add the
desicated coconut & mix well.

Serve with rice.

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