vrijdag 13 december 2013

Broccoli Soup

This is a recipe I tried out after we returned from Ireland.
A country I have fallen in love with! It reminded me of my childhood days visiting Interier(country side) of North Malabar with green grass paddy fields and narrow lanes& roads & fences made out of wood and stone even though Ireland had multiple colors of green grass fields...
On our tour we had this soup in one of the restaurants and immediately after returning I made this for my husband who fully agreed it tasted better than the one we had ..:-)
It was one of the best soup I had ever tasted.I love broccoli , want you to try this easy & simple way of making it.

This is specially for Nandu my niece in Bangalore.She had tried this soup when she had visited us & wanted me to put in on my blog.

So Nandu and all of you try it!

two heads of broccoli
200 ml of cream
3 vegetable soup cubes ( groente bullion)
3 cloves of garlic
600 ml water
Few twiggs of fresh thyme

Boil 10 to 15 minutes the broccoli & the soup cubes in 600 ml of water.

Then, using a blender puree the same to a fine texture.

Add now the cream , freshly pressed /ground garlic and the Thyme twigs and give it a good stir......

Soup is ready to be served.

I love this served for lunch with toasted brown bread ....Try it out!.

I have used the long life cream called '' houdbare slagroom '
Thyme leaves are freely available at the super markts, u can dry the left over leaves for later use.
Get one plant from the garden center, U can keep them in yourindoor or outdoor as its a winter hard plant.
If you need more salt add an extra soup cube.You can even use Chicken soup cubes instead of the vegetable ones.
If its too thick add some water to dilute. However Broccoli soup should be
thick and not watery!

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