dinsdag 24 september 2013


Hutspot is a very Dutch dinner which I Love! As do all my family and friends who have had it with us. Must say it was tough to convince them and often people have raised their eyebrows when I would ask them if I could cook them a Dutch meal.

However, once they had tried the food they all agreed it was delicious & remark: "the Dutch eat like this? its tasty"

I recently had one such successful lunch here at our residence ,all Indians who had never heard or known what Hutspot was and they loved it too....Rohit,Anu,Sudeep,Ritesh,Dipen, Kishan, Ruta..will all agree with me....

So please try this out.

Making Dutch food takes less time unlike our Indian cooking. I make sure we have Dutch food (potatoes) every alternate day and enjoy every bit of it!

500gms. of potatos
250gms. of onions
250 gms. of carrots
1 veg. soup cube
25 gms. butter

(I would count 2 potatos, an onion and a carrot per person)

Peel potatos and carrots and cut them into fingerchips size pieces.

Slice the onions lengthwise.

Take a heavy pan and add the carrots , the onions & the potatoes on top.

Add water until potatoes are all immersed in water. Add the soup cube and some salt.

Bring this to boil. Then close pan with its lid and cook the hutspot for 15 to 20 minutes.
(you need to leave the pan open a bit to allow steam to escape.)

Check if the potatoes are done.

Before you drain the water keep aside a few cups of it to make the sauce for the hutspot.

Once the hutspot is drained of all water add butter and mash it well:

Hutspot is ready.

This is served with fried meat or sausage or if you are a vegetarian a soya
burger & a sauce or 'jus' as the Dutch call it.

To make readymade sauce / jus
You need to buy this sauce powder which comes in vegetarian and non veg.

How to make the sauce/ jus
Take a pan and melt a knob of butter and add one or two tab.sp. of this jus
powder and fry for a few seconds.Then add the water you had kept aside and
stir well & simmer for a few minutes until the mixture thickens.This is then
poured on the Hutspot and served with a piece of meat, apple moes,
gerkins(augurk) & pickled onions

yummy! Yummy! Yummy!

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