woensdag 19 juni 2013

Aubergine/Eggplant Fry

Hi everyone!

I had promised you all that I would add a recipe every week.  I was not able to do it yet, because of my busy schedule. However, I will try to be prompt and show you a recipe every week. Thanks to my little girl Ilse, who is helping me with this.

This week's recipe is Aubergine/Eggplant Fry. This is such a simple recipe and I am sure you and your family will  love it if you prepare it exactly the way I am showing here. Believe me!

Ingredients for about 12-13 pieces:

1 large aubergine
1 tsp. of turmeric powder
1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper or red chilli powder
1/2 or 3/4 tsp. of salt
a few pinches of asefetida
(I dissolve asefetida in 1/2 tsp. of water before I add it)
about 1/4 glass of semolina fine flour to coat the aubergine
oil for shallow frying

 Step 1: Cut the aubergine in slices of 1 cm thickness

Step 2: In a bowl add the turmeric, chilli powder, salt and asefetida. Add about 4-6 tab.sp. of water and mix well. As shown in the next picture.

 Step 3: Dip the slices of aubergine on either side in the mixture as shown.

 Step 4: Coat the slices with the semolina flour 

Step 5: Fry on either side on medium flame adding a few tab.sp. of olive oil or any oil of your choice. In all it took me 18-20 minutes to fry them.

Step 6: This it what it should look when it is done
